September 26, 2018 Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda
Items 1 - 3 » - 1. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Call meeting to order; 3. Receive, consider and act upon adoption of the meeting agenda;
Items 1 - 3 »
1. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance;2. Call meeting to order;
3. Receive, consider and act upon adoption of the meeting agenda;
a. Receive, consider and act upon a proclamation in support of International Walk to School Month;
a. Receive, consider and act upon a proclamation in support of International Walk to School Month;
b. Receive, consider and act upon a proclamation in support of National Night Out;
b. Receive, consider and act upon a proclamation in support of National Night Out;
6. Receive, consider and act upon reports from Village Association representatives;
6. Receive, consider and act upon reports from Village Association representatives;
7. Public comment;
7. Public comment;
CONSENT AGENDA » - 8. Receive, consider and act upon the Consent Agenda; (This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by any Board Member making such request prior to a motion and vote.) a. Receive, consider and act upon an award of bids for Reforestation (C-2018-0499); President/General Manager for The Woodlands Township This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. To request other accommodations, call 281-210-3800 or email Agendas and Board Meetings may be viewed live at
8. Receive, consider and act upon the Consent Agenda; (This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by any Board Member making such request prior to a motion and vote.)a. Receive, consider and act upon an award of bids for Reforestation (C-2018-0499);
President/General Manager for The Woodlands Township
This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. To request other accommodations, call 281-210-3800 or email Agendas and Board Meetings may be viewed live at
9. Receive, consider and act upon an update from the Development Standards Commmittee;
9. Receive, consider and act upon an update from the Development Standards Commmittee;
10. Receive, consider and act upon policies pertaining to The Woodlands Express;
10. Receive, consider and act upon policies pertaining to The Woodlands Express;
11. Receive, consider and act upon a Resolution in support of the Research Forest Drive and Grogan's Mill Road underpass;
11. Receive, consider and act upon a Resolution in support of the Research Forest Drive and Grogan's Mill Road underpass;
12. Receive, consider and act upon a resolution in support of the Shenandoah Research Forest Project;
12. Receive, consider and act upon a resolution in support of the Shenandoah Research Forest Project;
14. Receive, consider and act upon grant applications to Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) for Pedestrian and Bicycle projects;
14. Receive, consider and act upon grant applications to Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) for Pedestrian and Bicycle projects;
13. Receive, consider and act upon request for proposal for the Compensation and Classification Study (C-2018-0595);
13. Receive, consider and act upon request for proposal for the Compensation and Classification Study (C-2018-0595);
15. Receive, consider and act upon an update from the Drainage Task Force;
15. Receive, consider and act upon an update from the Drainage Task Force;
16. Receive, consider, and act upon a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) for annual medical physicals for The Woodlands Fire Department (C-2018-0557);
16. Receive, consider, and act upon a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) for annual medical physicals for The Woodlands Fire Department (C-2018-0557);
17. Receive, consider and act upon the Environmental and Asbestos Consulting Services (C-2018-0591);
17. Receive, consider and act upon the Environmental and Asbestos Consulting Services (C-2018-0591);
18. Receive, consider and act upon the designation of a Cultural Arts District within the Town Center of The Woodlands Township;
18. Receive, consider and act upon the designation of a Cultural Arts District within the Town Center of The Woodlands Township;
19. Receive, consider and act upon the financial report;
19. Receive, consider and act upon the financial report;
CLOSED MEETING (if applicable) » - 20. Recess to Executive Session to discuss matters relating to real property pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code; deliberation of economic development negotiations pursuant to §551.087, Texas Government Code; discuss personnel matters pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code; discuss IT network or critical infrastructure security pursuant to §551.089, Texas Government Code; and to consult with The Woodlands Township’s attorney pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code; 21. Reconvene in public session;
CLOSED MEETING (if applicable) »
20. Recess to Executive Session to discuss matters relating to real property pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code; deliberation of economic development negotiations pursuant to §551.087, Texas Government Code; discuss personnel matters pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code; discuss IT network or critical infrastructure security pursuant to §551.089, Texas Government Code; and to consult with The Woodlands Township’s attorney pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code;21. Reconvene in public session;
DISCUSS FUTURE AGENDA /ANNOUNCEMENTS » - 22. Consideration of items to be placed on the agenda for next month's meeting; 23. Board announcements; and 24. Adjournment.
22. Consideration of items to be placed on the agenda for next month's meeting;23. Board announcements; and
24. Adjournment.
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